Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"how are you, Na?"

in a click
a quick review of your facebook profile
squeezed the lips to smile
for weeks i hadn"t hear from you
i thought you were dead out there

in a click
a glance view of your smile
held my breath for a while
for days there's white flag above my head
i thought i"ve given you up
it"s even tastier to see you're not available
i'm so ready to re-mingle

; )

(a text message-induced paralysis, i can't help being devilishly happy)



tengah malam buta
memelototi kakimu dipahat
sementara itu di ruangan lain ada bayi baru lahir
sementara itu juga aku berharap kakimu cepat putus dan cepat dijahit supaya aku bisa cepat-cepat tidur
ironi lucu yang tidak terlalu ingin kutertawakan
karena ini sudah tengah malam hampir pagi
waktu yang kurang tepat untuk menghadapi amputasi
hm, aku jadi ingin makan sop kaki sapi...
